Saturday, October 22, 2011



Hello Friend

You Are Welcome To (, with humility and respect allow me to be your personal tour guide to the most lucrative and dynamic home business available today, over the next few minutes you are going to discover how you can achieve massive amounts of wealth in complete financial freedom with the most powerful turnkey systems on the internet.

You are obviously very lucky to have stumbled upon my website. I want you to consider today as one of the most important days of your life. By the time you are through reading this instructions you are never going to forgive yourself for having a limited income and for not knowing the secrets am about to reveal...until after you've made your first N10 million.

Actually,Right now, there are several good things going on around you, but you can never be able to take advantage of them or enjoy them if you do not even know that they exist.As a good example, before 1956 when oil was discovered in Nigeria at Oloibiri, we had lots of oil right under our feet, but we never made a single penny out of it - because it's existence was a total secret to us.



Here is your chance! If you are serious about making real money! and i mean achieving total financial freedom, You really are in the right place at the right time!

You are about to discover a business that will give you the lifestyle many can only dream about, a business that will provide you with a passport to the ultimate lifestyle.

I assure you that my website will be both a guide and a challenge to you. A guide by introducing you to an outstanding business opportunities and a challenge because you won’t have any valid reasons for remaining where you are in life after learning what it contains.

Real Cash

I will show you proven information; ideas, methods and techniques on how you can Make money Online, everyday. Starting within the next 24 hours. Using any of the never Revealed Secrets of Online money-making which lots of people do not want you to know!

I wonder every time I hear someone say that there's no money to be made on internet.Those who try to tell you that you can't make a living online:

*Haven't tried affiliate marketing, or;
*Haven't followed the RIGHT business plan, or;
*Are so greedy that they don't want you to share in the wealth.

If you're interested in acheiving massive amounts of income in complete financial freedom I can honestly tell you this is unlike anything you may have heard of before! That's because What you'll get here is complete STEP by STEP directions so you can do this on your own as an independent Person! I will teach you the exact same systems I have been using to make well over $500 per week!

*The internet is the biggest marketplace in the world,Online transactions in 2008 amounted to over USD $180 BILLION and is estimated to grow to USD $263 billion in year 2012? (Source: Credit Suisse; World leading Financial Services group).

*The popular website which offer you email services for free is worth over USD $40 BILLION.

*The popular Search Engine, is worth $180.83 BILLION, and it is currently the biggest media company in the world. It is bigger than notables like Time Warner, the company which owns Time Magazine, CNN & America Online; it is bigger than Viacom, the owners of MTV and Paramount Pictures. In fact, Google is worth more than all the companies quoted in the Nigerian Stock Market combined! This includes Mobil, OANDO, Nigerian Breweries, Zenith and all the other banks (combined!). A single share costs more than $450 and it is projected to reach $600 a piece sometime next year -that's more than N50,000! a piece (compare this to that of say Zenith bank that sells for lessthan N50!).

*In June 2005, the owner of Newscorp, Rupert Mudorch paid $580 million to buy Can you also believe is free to use?

*Also on October 9, 2006, paid $1.65 Billion to acquire just like MySpace also has nothing for sale too - it is completely free to register and use.

*Ask yourself this question: "Why would Rupert Mudorch, and several other companies and individuals too numerous to mention, spend so much money to acquire websites which have nothing for sale?" Besides, "How are these websites worth so much and how did that much money come about?"

*The answers to the these questions are the secrets to making money online, and the reasons why the Internet is so overwhelmingly profitable. These answers are what I will reveal to you.

THE GOOD NEWS IS..............!

You do not have to start something as big or as complicated as Google, MySpace or Yahoo to make money Online. I only used the few examples above to show you the huge money making potential which the internet represents. What you really need to learn is how small players like you and me can earn a reasonable income in our own 'little' way...if you'd call earning as much as N 600,000 monthly - little.


This program contains my years of experience packaged into an easy to follow system, that includes everything you need to know and everything you need to do, to be very successful.

As you can see, I've already taken all the risk of discovering these things on your behalf, all you have to do is profit & benefit from my years of hands-on Internet experience...while avoiding several of the costly mistakes that I made.

Making money Online is exactly as it is in offline businesses, where you can only get paid : by engaging in an economic activity which benefits and adds value to other people's lives.

But Making money online is easier than offline if you followed the right plan because online job requires a very little effort in order to produce massive financial rewords.

These Ideas Are:

1: Easy to make money from
2: Suitable for any Nigerian
3: Absolutely simple to run
4: If you can check your email yourself you can do it!
5: Few hours of browsing a week could be enough for you.


NO.1 OPPORTUNITY 1 Affiliate Marketing/Google Adwords?

"Discover How You Can Earn $500 weekly through the Easiest, Fastest and Cheapest Business in the World"

Affiliate Marketing is unarguably the world's easiest, cheapest and fastest business to start. It is so cheap that you can start it with less than $25 (N2,900), so profitable that some people earn more than $1 million dollars from it annually, and so fast that you can begin earning money from it in less than 1hour! And the earning potential keeps increasing daily.

You do not need to own a product, service or website of your own and about 2 hrs of browsing a week would be enough for you if you are ready.

Let Me Explain......

Affiliate Programs: More than 350 million times daily, people from all over the world use to search for products and services they want to purchase online. More than 90% of these people have credit cards or other means for online payment (e.g. PayPal). At 350 million searches daily, you will agree with me that gets lots of visitors.

Affiliate programs involve your partnering with different websites on the Internet which have items for sale. These items could be phones, books, furniture, electronics, cars, jewelries, web hosting, bags, boats - you name it!

Forming a partnerships like this is very simple. It only involves your filling out a form - just as if you are opening a new email account!

Now, since lots of people are already searching for lots and lots of different products and services to purchase. You simply partner with any website/company which their products are in demand and then place adverts on for them. For each sale you help any website/company you partner with, they pay you a commission (a percentage).

These adverts you place on Google are called Google AdWords. They appear to the right of your search results. If you have used Google to search for anything before, you must have seen the AdWords adverts placed by other people.

The commissions you might receive range from $25, $40, $50, $75, $100, even $150 PER SALE you send them (depending on the product) .Now even if you're generating only 1 sale a day at a mere $50 commission payout, you're making $50 A DAY on complete autopilot — that's $1500 a month! Don't worry if you do not completely understand it right now, it's really very simple and I will make it clearer for you.

Click Here:

Google AdWords: They are those little text boxes that appear to the right of your search results on It is a very efficient advertising system developed by Google. It costs you only $5 dollars to register and you are charged only when someone clicks on your advert. The minimum cost per click is about $0.05 (5 cents).

Most people want to know…

How do they know the sale was made through your advert?

Whenever you choose an affiliate product to promote from an Affiliate Website such as,Clck2sell and, you are given a special unique tracking code (Link) which is used to know whenever someone buys through your advert. And whenever someone does, the sale is unfailingly credited to you. In most cases a "cookie" (small computer program) is placed on the persons computer so that you are still credited with the sale if the person comes back to buy, say within the next 6 months!

*Note: no longer accepts registrations from Nigeria. However, I'll show you how you can get a United States address and how to collect your checks.

My best Affiliate Network is because they specialize only in digital downloadable products such as ebooks,softwers etc. I prefer promoting digital downloadable products in place of tangibles like Cell Phones, Plasma TV's, Toys, Cars etc because digital products sell like hot cakes! Their prices are mostly not expensive and additionally people are mostly on the Internet for information, hence people buy them more. Additionally, you could earn as much as 75% commissions on each sale from your adverts. Note that the owners of tangible products like cars, watches, etc cannot afford to pay you as much as 75% commissions - that's why ClickBank is my favourite. sends out commission checks on the 15th of every month. To sign up for Google AdWords costs only $5 and is free to join. I'll get back to this.

NO 2.OPPORTUNITY 2 Make Money Google Adsense

‘’Earn money by just sitting in between and millions of Online advertisers’’

Google should be your new best friend.

There's a really cool program called Google Adsense. It's basically a way for you to get paid if you have your own page on internet or a free "blog" every time a person visits it and clicks on a link.

It's dead simple to: All you do is submit your application to sign up to Google's FREE Adsense program (which I will show you exactly how to do to almost guarantee your application being approved), take the simple code they give you, "copy and paste" it onto your page or free blog, and watch as the money rolls in!

Google adsense is so cool — no matter what your topic is, google will automatically place little advertisements related to the exact topic of your Page, so people will not be seeing random ads but ads of things they are probably interested in learning more about!

And so each time someone clicks on one of these little "adverts", you get paid as much as $0.50, $2.00, $5.00, even as much as $10.00 PER CLICK. Meaning if you got 100 clicks in one day (which honestly isn't that hard to get), and let's say you were only getting a mere $0.50 a click. You'd still earn $50 that day... paid direct to you!

I show you how to do ALL of this with ease in vivid exact detail, full with screenshots and crisp pictures, inside this program.

You get sent a check when you earn up to $100. It is the revenue source behind most blogs,websites and forums on the internet.

NO 3. OPPORTUNITY 3 Make Money by Filling Paid Online Surveys

‘’Discover How to Make as Much Money as You Want, Just By Having an Internet Connection, Some Spare Time, and an Opinion!”

By participating in a survey you are giving companies your opinion on different products and services, it is much more cost effective for the company than doing it through the mail or on the telephone. By filling out an online survey you help the companies to serve the needs of the consumer better.

Click Here for free access:


Doing surveys for pay requires nothing more than an internet connection and your opinion. If you can sign your name and click a mouse, you can make extra cash right away.

All you have to do is to register your name and password with a website that offers this kind of job, they will immediately send them to your email just open your inbox and click on a survey link.You can try this one too.

Click here:

It takes just a few minutes to answer basic questions about your shopping preferences, and then, with a click of the mouse, there’s money in your account. Anywhere from £10-£100 for just 15-20 minutes of your time, while you lounge in your comfortable clothes and listen to music, or even watch TV.

For instance, if you do only four (4) surveys a day, at $20 per survey, you can make $480 per week, $2120 a month, or $23,440 a year!


I have done all the research for you and in a platter of gold i am giving you 20 great money making survey websites that pull in unlimited dollars for you, if you can play your card right.

NO 4 OPPOORTUNITY 4 Make Money From Email Marketing and Newsletter Publishing.

"Make money from publishing e-Newsletters, e-Zines and from email marketing"

Learn how you can start an Online publication plus how to build a HUGE database of people who you can regularly sell your products and services to.

You can set up all the content you want to send to your readers for a full year in a single day - and then forget about it! Whenever the dates you have chosen arrive, you newsletter or e-zine autoresponder will automatically send your publication to all your subscribers.

Publishing a newsletter costs you almost nothing because you only pay for the autoresponder service.

NO 5 OPPORTUNITY 5 Make Money By Owning An Online Shop/Store.

"Own the perfect shop or store. Expand your customer base from just your state, city or street to everybody in Nigeria and watch your sales go to the roof!"

Keep your doors open 24/7 and make sales round the clock. Expand from a small timer to a BIG nationwide store.

Tips on how you can use OPM included.


NO 6 OPPORTUNITY 6 Make Money By Investing Online.

"The Best Profit On The Online Investment World"

HYIP...Does It Really works....?

For example there are people who say that it is impossible to open a click bank account in Nigeria, well i will show you how to do that. Also there are people who say that Internet business is a scam and that people don't make genuine money on the Internet. Well from their point of view they may be right. But they are not. I know of people, i mean Nigerians who make as much as $50,000 every month from their online businesses.

You see just because something didn't work for you doesn't mean that it is not real. The reason for this is because H.Y.I.P, an acrostic for High Yield Investment Program is something that was working years ago and all of a sudden it stopped and ever since people start to say that H.Y.I.P is a scam but the truth is that not all HYIP are scams just in the same way not all pastor's are fake!

Meanwhile once in a while, you should try someone investment because i do too!. Recently i started sharing with my clients and customers about someone H.Y.I.P that i know and have tested that works very well.

One of them is euro wide . A great H.Y.I.P company. They use to pay 27% for every investment you make for four days but recently i think they have reduced it to 10% because everyday more and more people are discovering about them.For every investment that you make [they have 3 different investment plans] you will get 10% returns in four days time. That means if you put in $50 in four days time your money will be $55. That is a $5 added.

Many of my students have make good money from this website and i think they are fantastic,the minimum amount you can invest is $5 . Think about it, i put in $500 and in 4 days time i will have $50 profit without doing anything. Invest the whole money back and in a month time i would have made more than $350 as profit without doing a single thing!

More on that later...

My advise is that you start with something small and when you start seeing the result you can increase the figures.

The reason i gave this investment secret is because it is a lazy and sneak way to make cash. It is better to have N1 million somewhere that it will be multiplied than just putting it in a bank where you would see almost any interest.

There's simply no way you won't make money from at least one of these TEN businesses!

Below are the additional businesses that you are going to learn

NO 7 OPPORTUNITY 7 Make Money By Online Currency Trading/ePayments & Account Funding.

‘’Make money Online buying and selling money’’

Learn how you can earn money funding e-gold, Credit Cards & PayPal accounts for people

NO 8 OPPORTUNITY 8 Make Money By Taking Your Present Offline Business Online And Make It 100 Times More Profitable.

‘’Multiply your present income by 100%’’

Learn how you can dramatically increase the profitability of your present business by taking your transactions online. Learn how you can begin selling your products and services online, increasing your customer base thereby boosting your profits.

N0 9 OPPORTUNITY 9 Make Money from Website Designing and hosting.

"Learn web designing in 1 day! Plus make money selling or reselling Online 'Plots' "

Web designing is absolutely ten times easier than you think and besides you do not even need to know how to write HTML, CSS or JavaScript codes to be able to design a website. You can easily use website templates or What You See IS What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver to easily design websites.

Using templates or WYSIWYG editors makes the design as simple as typing up a document in Microsoft Word!

NO 10.OPPORTUNITY 10 Make Money From Pay Per Lead Programs

''Where Dreams Come Alive....''

Infact, this is one of the MOST easiest ways of making money!

As i previously told you the secret behind the financial success of famous websites like google, yahoo, myspace, facebook and hi5 etc is: they are well known by many people and this will expand their chances to make huge money by advertising and offering different services.

I wasn't expecting too much when I joined. But I've been pleasantly surprised.This is the easiest job I've ever had and I'm loving it,you really should give it a try,Test it out and see for yourself.

These pay per lead programs are easy to join and start making money in less than 30 minutes because all what you are required to do is to refer (lead/derive/direct) others to sign up or download a free software through your special link that will be given to you, they dont even need to buy any thing and you will get paid for directing them, this is because the website needs you to introduce it to more people and thats precisely means their success.

For some time i have dedicated some of my time and energy in helping Nigerians gain ground when it comes to making a living online and today i can boast that without any exaggeration i have presently been able to help more than 100 Nigerians make good money online.


Are you ready to take charge of your financial future? Well, For those who want turn their financial lives around this year. I have prepared a dollarmoney KIT ebook package that will help you achieve it and lots more. This dollarmoney kit is called: 'The dollarmoney Wealth Package' (2010 Edition) and it is going to make a lot of difference in your finances.

This Book is not a theory, but a practical step by step guide with pictures. It teaches about the 10 businesses in detail so that people with little or no Internet experience can understand and apply what it contains.

I've spent a lot of time and money to get this secrets. With this Book you don’t have to. All you need to do is follow the step by step directions and you can start earning money within the next 24hours. As long as you have the ambition and can follow simple instructions, I can train you to be very successful at this!

Take a few minutes to read through it and gain the KNOWLEDGE you need. Remember, KNOWLEDGE is the key. Many things in life can be taken from you: your car, your house, your job. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your KNOWLEDGE. With it you can do anything, achieve anything, and get anything.

You know! It’s a matter of fact that doctors, lawyers and other professionals have income exceeding $10,000 or more per year but very few of them actually ever have time to really enjoy their wealth!


Because as soon as they stop working their income simply stops!

"You must be in business for yourself; you'll never get rich working for someone else"

In essence, by working for someone else (at least full time) you allow your happiness and future to rest in the hands of other people...including that of your wife, children and dependants. You leave your future blank and unstable, and you lose the present and future benefits you will receive from a successful personally owned and easy to run business.

Lots of simple & profitable Part-Time businesses you can begin today do not even require your presence to run. You can start some with Zero naira capital and most are very easy to learn! Which means that you can learn them.

This does not mean that you should quit your present job - if you have one. You can easily combine your present work with other simple to run businesses - which require very little time. In the end, you significantly increase your income every month while still doing almost the same amount of work!

You can let today's technology tend your business while you go about yours, enjoying the lifestyle and collecting the rewards. No longer do you have to be chained to a desk or tied to a phone or imprisoned in the corporate world with a boss as the warden. Set your own hours, your own dress code, and most of all, your own work space. This is an enviable opportunity that can be yours.

To get my package kit shipped to you, you have to pay $10 (#1500) to my alertpay or paypal account. ''. This is for both paypal & alertpay. If you are Nigeria based, you can pay #1500 at Intercontinental bank plc. Account Name: Nzediegwu Kingsley. Account No_: 0030110000537530.

You can visit this site:


Hope to here from you at the comment.

I hope this summary insruction wins your heart for success 2010. Thanks.

Kingsley N.