Friday, August 5, 2016

Content Creation

Want to make a website? Create a viral e-book? Build a newsletter mailing list? Engage in a little article marketing? Do you want to blog for a living? Then you're gonna need some content! This section is all about the written word: How to write content, how to get it written for you, and how to write headlines that drive your sales through the roof!
Content marketing gets more and more important with every Google update. You need to have original, quality content on your website to get into the good graces of Google and your target market alike.
In fact, most fast-fix methods of getting traffic to your website now will negatively affect your rankings, so you've got to pay attention to this section to build genuine authority and organic traffic for your website.
There are plenty of tips on easy ways for you to create your own content, but if that's something you aren't confident doing, that's fine too! There are also lessons on how to get content made for you.
Either way, you need to make sure you get some, and it's gotta be good, because your content is the language between you and your target market. Take a look through these lessons to find out how you can get effective content that could increase your conversions.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Market Research for Affiliate Marketers

The key to becoming a successful affiliate is conducting a bit of research before you sink time (and maybe money) into a campaign. Think what it would be like if you built a resort full of all of the trimmings: crisp white towels, Egyptian cotton sheets, 10 pools, a 5-star restaurant, and flawlessly beautiful architecture... But it's on the moon and there are no people, so you can't profit from your efforts. 
If you spend all your time building a website or a campaign where there is no market, you will come up short, and it's just not worth it. You need to figure out which topics, or "niches," are in hot demand, and then find an affiliate network with a good variety of products to promote. This will enable you to build a niche-specific website, with strong products that will be easy to promote for commissions.
One of the most important things to practice as an affiliate marketer is what's known as "keyword research." Keywords, or the terms or phrases people type into Google, can be the best way of finding out what exactly what people are looking for. If you can find some popular phrases, and convince search engines like Google that your website has relevant information about them, you'll get the rankings you need to get people to your affiliate links.
The lessons in this section will help you to find a profitable niche market, as well as good affiliate networks and products. You'll also learn a thing or two about that ever-important keyword research.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

New to affiliate marketing? Not sure what it's all about? Basically, it comes down to promoting products online to get a commission whenever a sale is made through your recommendation. 
You'll make a website, which isn't as hard as you might think, and then you'll place affiliate links to the products you are promoting throughout that website. Then, when someone clicks on your link and buys the product within a certain time frame, you get a commission! There's a variety of affiliate networks that you can join to find products to promote, and if you pick a topic (or "niche") that is interesting to you — first making sure with a little market research that it's also profitable  — it can be quite a lot of fun to build your affiliate website.
There's a huge range of different methods for getting visitors to your website, including signaling to search engines like Google that your website is relevant to your topic, and spreading the word on social media. Because of the variety of strategies available to you, you'll be able to find something that suits your strengths to get the ball rolling for your own affiliate website.
The goal is to be making your own money just with your own efforts and a computer, setting yourself up for some great potential income. These lessons will give you a thorough introduction, show you what affiliate sites look like, and walk you through the basics of these important affiliate marketing concepts.